Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Back to my favourite blog day of the week . . . I love spending time thinking of things that I'm thankful for. It's such a positive day for me.

After watching Randy Pausch give his "Final Lecture" on Diane Sawyer last week, I am very thankful for my health. Randy Pausch is a former professor from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsbrugh. Randy was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer some months ago, and although he is battling it bravely, it appears that the cancer has spread. When you read my sentence, it sounds infinitely sad. Randy has a beautiful wife and young kids, and his life is being cut short. The great thing is that Randy doesn't see it as a sad event. He sees this as an opportunity to truly live out his dreams. Instead of wondering when the time will come, he lives each day as fully as possible. He tells people what they mean to him, and he does the things that he wants to do. He spends as much time with the people that are important to him as possible, and he takes nothing for granted.

His "Last Lecture" (both an actual 90 minute lecture and a published book) is basically his advice for living out your dreams. It's heartbreaking, inspiring and full of words of wisdom. Much of it has been said and heard before, but somehow, it sounds fresh coming from Randy. I wish him the best of luck with his ongoing battle. I truly hope he wins it.

So even though I have to admit that I don't always live my dream, I am thankful for my health and the fact that I don't have to be fully aware of what each day holds. I'm grateful that I am able to get up for work, feed the dogs, do chores and other mundane things . . . because it means that as far as I know, I have lots of life left to live.

Enjoy your weekend friends and loyal blog readers!

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