Monday, January 28, 2008

Holy Moley!

Yep, when the centigrade and fahrenheit scales match up (because it's so cold), there are only two words to use. Holy and moley. Together. One after the other. At this moment in time, it is -39 C and -38 F. YIKES! Skin freezes in less time than it takes me to walk to the bus stop when it's like this. Thankfully I own enough winter clothing for somebody living in the Yukon, so my skin isn't really exposed to the air. I don't know how the dogs can manage to be outside long enough to pee and poop though. It's one of those times that I feel REALLY bad for making them go outside.

They're forecasting at least 2-3 more days of this . . . so if I didn't have to be at work, I'd be hibernating. As that's not an option, hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go. Oh well, at least the heat works there!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Life Is Precious

This morning I woke up to a very sad post on one of the forums I belong to. A lady that I consider a dear friend lost her son to suicide last night. He was a handsome 25 year old with a new baby boy and his whole life ahead of him. This is such a heart wrenching tragedy, and a loss that will never be forgotten, especially by those who loved him.

All day I've been thinking about this friend, and how her whole world came apart in such a short time. I wonder if she's thinking that she could have done something different, or something to prevent it. I'm sure she just doesn't understand. I don't think I would, if I were in her shoes.

Life is precious - no matter what happens, always make sure that the people you love KNOW that you love them. Take the time to let people know that you care about them and that you appreciate what they add to your life. It might not prevent a situation like what happened to my friend, but it won't hurt matters, that's for sure.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Clean Sweep, we need you!

Hi. My name is Kelly, and I am . . . I'm a . . . I'm a packrat. There, I said it. It was hard, but they say that acknowledgment is the first step. Well, I know it. Now I need to figure out what to do. The thing is, I love my stuff. Not all of it, so I could get rid of some without tears. But a lot of it has been collected over a period of years. All of my Cocker Spaniel stuff has been chosen by me, and the thought of getting rid of it makes me sad. But I have to do something. My bed is covered in books, magazines and papers. Stuff is stacked all over the place, and it gets knocked over with a puff of breath. I think the dogs will appreciate less clutter too.

Anybody have any good tips on how to "break the bond" with stuff? I watch Clean Sweep all the time, but every time I see it, I think about how they'd NEVER convince me to get rid of my stuff. That's kind of a bad mindset to go into this with LOL

Take it from me, don't get into the habit, and your life will be easier in the long run!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

New Look for 2008

I want to thank Nikki from Blogs for a Cause for giving my blog a facelift. I think the new look is beautiful, and it ties in very nicely with my website now. If you're interested in getting a blog make-over, contact Nikki via She does excellent work!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Why are there always people in the world that think the rules don't apply to them? No matter how clear the rules are, there is always somebody that refuses to follow them.

Case #1

There is a Safeway (grocery store) just a few blocks away from me. Along the front of the store are several very clearly marked NO PARKING signs. They're impossible to miss. Every time I stop there to do some shopping, there are people parked there. Their vehicle lights are on and the vehicles are running. Now, last time I checked the sign, it didn't say "No parking unless yur vehicle is running." So why are those people clearly violating the signs? Oh wait, I know! It's because they're just too darned important to take the time to find a spot, park the car and walk to and from the store. Who has those extra 2 minutes?

Case #2

At my doctor's office there are signs on all of the doors asking people to please remove their shoes before entering the clinic. It's very clear, there is no mistaking it. And just in case you miss it, there is another sign inside, asking the same thing. So I was at the clinic on Monday, to see about this stupid cold I have. All of us patients are waiting in sock feet. I know my socks are going to get dirty, but I can live with it, because we're ALL in the same boat. Then this woman in fancy clothes come in. I know (because of her name) that she's a higher up at one of the local oil companies. She just will NOT take off her shoes! So there are the rest of us, with dirty socks, and she's all prim and proper in her pumps. Why? Oh wait, let me guess. The socks will get dirty, causing her to do more laundry, which would waste her valuable time.

Do these people really think that they're above and beyond rules? If so, I wonder what makes them think that. I mean, in some circles, I'm very important. Just ask my dogs, who rely on me for everything. But I would never assume that it gives me the right to blatantly break rules.

Just my rant for the day!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy New Year!

Well, it's a few days late, but Happy New Year to my faithful blog readers! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, and a great start to 2008. I sure did! My best friend was here from out of town, and we had a fabulous visit, as always. And to start the year off right, I made my way to King of Prussia, PA (right by Philly) for the American Spaniel Club Flushing Spaniel Show. What a wonderful experience that was! I saw tons of gorgeous dogs, and I met some people that I have been emailing with for years.

Best of all, I got to see Billy and to meet his new mom Mary Ellen! I guess she's not really his new mom anymore . . . but to me she will always be his new mom. Mare and Billy (and Mare's gorgeous niece) picked us up at the airport. It was great getting Billy kisses :) I made sure to give him extra hugs & kisses from his Alberta fan club.

I found lots of dogs to fall in love with, and I found some potential boyfriends for Grace down the road. I met lots of wonderful people, and I hope to return next year. It was the perfect way to start off 2008!