Monday, November 23, 2009


Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved magazines. The glossy, brightly coloured covers and the feel of the slick pages sliding through my fingers got me addicted to buying magazines. I think I inherited some of it from my mother, who also loves magazines. Today I thought I'd list a few of my favourites, in case you're thinking of buying your favourite dog-lover a magazine subscription for the holidays.

Whole Dog Journal - no paid advertisers keep this publication from appearing slanted towards one lifestyle or another. All viewpoints are presented (within reason) and all sorts of articles are included. For the positive trainer or holistically-minded, this is a must-read.

Modern Dog - a Canadian publication, the ads and gift ideas are always trendy and hip. The articles run from substantial research to fluffy pop media. Obviously filled with pictures of dogs, I love the "fashion" pages. This magazine does a breed feature in each issue, and they're always well-written.

The Bark - this is a West Coast USA publication, with a very west coast slant. I love, love, love the regular columnists (including Patricia McConnell PhD, who is my idol), and the articles are deep and inspiring. This magazine includes some great fiction as well.

The Cocker Classic - how can I not promote the only Cocker Spaniel specific magazine out there? Published every other month, it is in full-colour, and it has some excellent columnists (check out the "Canada Corner" column!).

Canine Review - another Canadian publication, this magazine is geared towards show people and their dogs. It is filled with ads for all breeds, big and small, and it includes show updates from coast to coast. It also includes the Top Dog stats for conformation and obedience. A great all-round "show dog" magazine for Canada.

Canadian Dog Digest - a relative newcomer to the Canadian dog magazine scene (it's three years old now, I think), this magazine hit the ground running. It's beautifully put together, with full-colour pages and gorgeous ads, similar to the major publications in the US (ShowSight and Dogs In Review). The columns are great, especially the features on prominent breeders and dog show clubs.

Hope this gives you some food for thought, and if you haven't heard of any of these magazines, please check them out. I promise you, you won't regret it.

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