Wednesday, March 25, 2009

California, here I come!

I have been debating for months about whether I should attend the American Spaniel Club (ASC) Summer dog show in Pomona, California. On one hand, this show is finally close enough to home that it won't take all day to get there (the show moves around the country every year, to different host zones). On the other hand, California is hotter than hell in July, and it's also not cheap. I have gone back and forth on this since last year, with no real decision.

Well, as you can tell from the subject line, I've made my decision. I'll be heading to Pomona, CA (which isn't too terribly far from LA) in July 2009. My good friend (Jack Jack's breeder) convinced me that it would be a wonderful trip for us to do. We'll be meeting the owner of Jack Jack's sister Barbie, who now lives in Australia. We'll also get to see some fantastic dogs. AND (this really, honestly was the selling point) we're going to Anaheim on the Monday following the show, so I can go to Disneyland. When my best friend suggested that, she KNEW I'd say yes :)

Despite the heat and having to save like a fiend for this, I'm super excited. Only 104 more days to go!


Brenda said...

You KNOW you are going to have so much fun and will kick yourself if you didn't go! I was lucky to be able to go last summer since it was only 3 hours away in Indianapolis (just to watch and meet cyber friends that before that I only knew by their forum name). I was so glad I got the chance to go. Jack Jack is going to do GREAT there!!

Visichy said...

Have fun!