Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Holy smokes folks, I have been RUNNING this week! Last weekend was the local dog show . . . 6 shows in 3 days. My good friend came up with a black and tan dog that came over from Russia to be shown, so I knew that Gracie and I didn't have a big chance of winning until he finished his title. So the first two days were for practise more than anything. Gracie was HORRID - her behaviour was terrible. She wasn't afraid or upset, just running, galloping and being a turd.

On the Sunday she won Best of Breed in the morning for her first point, so that was a real treat! She was quite bad in the Group ring - she thought the dog behind her was chasing her, so she kept turning around to try and play Oh well, she did well for a puppy. In the afternoon she was a turd again, and she lost the Breed to the other puppy. But it was nice that we could share the wins over the weekend.

I was at work for two days, and then was off again today. I had an ultrasound this morning to ensure that my liver, kidneys, pancreas and gallbladder are working properly. Last time I had bloodwork done, the liver enzymes were off, so the doctor sent me for an ultrasound and more bloodwork. Then I ran ALL kinds of errands, and finished sewing the 60 snoods I promised to make for the upcoming Specialties this weekend (Cockers-only shows, in addition to some all-breed shows).

I'm now spending a bit of time on the computer, as I will likely be off-line for the next 5 days, while I'm at the dog shows. Farley and Gracie are coming with me, and Taffy is going for her trial visit with her new family. VERY, VERY, VERY busy!

1 comment:

Visichy said...

WOW! Busy girl! Enjoy the shows this weekend. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for ya :)