So I have finally had the time to get Taffy all groomed up and looking gorgeous. It took a couple of sessions, because I didn't want to do too much at once. She was SUCH a trooper, I can't tell you how impressed I was. She didn't even flinch when I trimmed her nails and cleaned her ears.
She's a really pretty little girl, and so loving. She has continually amazed me with her abilities too. She climbs stairs bravely, and even jumped on the couch tonight! We were ALL stunned! She hasn't had an accident in the house at all, and she's awesome in a crate. She's adjusting well to the dogs - better than I ever thought she would.
I ordered a homeopathic product called Eye See Clearly, which is supposed to promote general eye health and dissolve cataracts. Anecdotal evidence says that it works, from some people anyhow. It's worth a try . . . and it won't hurt the eyes. Taffy has a vet appointment next week to check her general health and get approval for her spay surgery.
Until then, the spoiling continues!
I'm glad you are there to give Taffy the spoiling she deserves. How are Farley & Grace adjusting to their new housemate?
What sweet looking dogs! I bet it's not just Taffy getting spoiled. :-)
Actually, Farley & Grace are handling it REALLY well. I was surprised about Farley, cause I was worried that he'd be upset. But he's handling it like a pro. Grace adjusts to everything well :)
And Weeza, you're right . . . Taffy's not the only one being spoiled. I can't help myself!
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