Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Mother Nature . . .

I have to say that Mother Nature is cruel. It is mid-March, and in some areas of the world spring is in full force. But not here in Fort McMurray . . . ooooh no! It is still darned cold (like around -20) and we keep getting these big dumps of snow. It's not fair! I just want the warmer temperatures and the opportunity to see the ground without snow cover. Grace, on the other hand, loves the snow. She would play outside all day long if I'd let her. The reason I don't is that I'm worried she'll lick the metal shed and get stuck. Beautiful girl, just not that bright.

Anyhow, I don't really have that much to write about, since I'm stuck at home with this sprained foot. I am working from home, but there's nothing exciting going on there. The dogs are sleeping and snoring, and "School of Rock" is playing on TV. Life is boring, but good!


Louisa said...

"Beautiful girl, just not that bright." LOL. :-)

I hope you get some sunny weather soon!

Carlson02 said...

Sorry about the snow... it was like that here a few weeks ago. Luckily it is starting to look like we might get spring eventually. Hope you ankle starts to feel better, I totally understand that one :)

Anonymous said...

I see your hogging all the snow to yourself. lol

Visichy said...

Keep the snow please! Grace loves it and we don't! :)

Silverwood said...

I agree with Vicky ... snow is YUCK!!