Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Oh the weather outside is frightful . . .

But central heating is delightful :) Actually, the temperature itself isn't too bad - around -15C which is pretty standard for this time of year. Certainly preferable to -30C, which was the temperature not that long ago. Unfortunately, along with the warmer weather comes snow. Lots of it. Enough to require shoveling twice a day, so that the dogs can get to the backyard to do their thing. Enough to require shoveling of the driveway, so our postal carrier doesn't have to wade through knee-deep show.

The dogs don't seem to mind the snow, and I know they're glad that the cold weather is just a bad memory at this point. There were days that it was so cold that the dogs needed boots on, just to go outside to potty without freezing their feet. It's times like that that I almost wish they were litter-trained. I say almost, because I can't imagine cleaning THAT up daily. Yikes!

Tomorrow is our Secret Santa gift exchange at work, which I'm looking forward to. It should be a lot of fun, and I got almost everybody to take part, which was a major challenge. A few of us are bringing in desserts, and I intend to bring my Christmas music in, to give the celebration a little bit more of a holiday feel. Should be a good time!

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