Monday, December 10, 2007

Merrily we roll along . . .

Especially now that our car is fixed! Last Sunday, I took my car for a ride to stop at the post office. It was -35 Celsius outside, so the car was sluggish (so was I!). The steering was super hard to control, but I thought it was the weather. I fought my way to the post office and then home, and slowly realized that something was amiss. As I tried to pull into the driveway, I saw a scarlet stain in the snow. It almost looked like somebody had been shot. Like my car. The steering fluid had leaked out of the car.

So I had it towed to the dealership, and waited impatiently to hear the news. Good news, it wa repairable. Bad news, the part was coming from Montreal. At this time of year, that never happens fast.

My dad called me today (we have been carpooling for the past week, which has been an adventure), to tell me that the car is ready! Yippeee! I'm embarassed to say that I almost cried when he pulled up to the house. It's stupid, but I am just that happy to have my car back.


Anonymous said...

Yippee... I would cry if I didn't have my vehical. Sad I know... but I am very dependant on it. Especially in this weather!

Louisa said...

I'm glad you have your car back and in good health. I would have freaked out at the red stain...