Friday, August 18, 2006

Away, but not gone . . .

Sorry I've been absent lately. I'm feeling bad for not posting in a few days, but I was, shall we say, indisposed. As those of you that know me well know, I get headaches on a very regular (essentially daily) basis. I've been seeing a neurologist in the city that recommended this IV treatment to break the cycle. Basically I go to the hospital twice a day and get IV treatments. The first IV site was in my right wrist, and I had to wear a splint, so I could hardly type at all, let alone update the blog. Last night they had to move the IV to my left arm, which seemed like a good site, but it "came out" overnight, so I have a new IV site in my left wrist. Tonight is my last treatment, and I can NOT wait!

Farley's also been under the weather - he's had the runs for a week now, poor guy. I did take him to the vet on Tuesday, but the bloodwork was all good, well within the normal ranges. So he's on a treatment which seems to be helping. The two of us make a fine pair!

I know I'm copying my friend, but here are some blogs that you should visit:

Visichy - my good friend Vicky's blog, it is a hoot to read! (
Rokairan - Vicky's sister's blog, it is extremely well-written and interesting. When the new TV shows start in the fall, I imagine she will start her reviews again (

Those are two blogs I visit every day, checking for updates. They're well worth reading. I get plenty of inspiration from Vicky's blog, but I don't want to copy ALL of her ideas in one post, so I will keep this entry short ;)

Thanks to everybody that visits and reads . . . I'm glad somebody thinks my writing is worth reading on a regular basis!


Visichy said...

LOL. Copy away. I often think I blab on and on about nothing so it's nice to think someone is actually appreciating my efforts :)

Louisa said...

Wow, thanks for the props! :-) I'm glad you like my blog. I'm thinking of inventing some sort of "thumb up/thumbs down" rating system of my own for the fall premiers. Maybe "plan or pan" (plan = plan to watch it, pan = pan over it, it's not worth your time). Or maybe "please or puh-lease." :-) Stay tuned.