Yes, as you can see, Billy is tired. Four days after getting home, he still gets a vacant look in his eyes when he's not running after Quigley, trying to entice him to play. Billy had a fabulous weekend, and he misses his new friends. Especially Ripley, his special girlfriend ;)
We arrived at the airport on Thursday morning, all packed and ready to go. I was really hoping Billy would be able to fly in his Sherpa bag (NOT Shar Pei bag Lyndarae!), but the manager at WestJet said he was too big. I swear, that's the first time somebody has said he was too big for something! Yahoo!
Anyhow, Billy made the trip in his Vari-Kennel, in the cargo hold. I know he managed better than I did, since I HATE flying. Good thing one of us has a stable temperament ;)
BC was absolutely beautiful. Green grass and even flowers blooming. I haven't seen anything so nice in March (it was March 30 when we got there!) since I was in Denmark. Even the air was nicer (well, except for the pollution right in Vancouver). Even the rotten rain couldn't dampen my pleasure at the pretty surroundings. I have to say, I enjoyed the smell of grass again.
The shows went well for us. I had Billy in the building Friday morning (on a regular slip lead) and he was being a turkey. Lunging, dragging me around, and throwing his head to the ground. I was almost in tears at the thought of the upcoming embarassment. He must have felt sorry for me, because once we got into the ring, he behaved well. He stood really nicely for the judge on the table, and he moved pretty well for a 7 month old puppy. I was very proud of my boy.
On Saturday he actually WON his puppy sweeps class (and yes, there were actually other puppies entered), so I was thrilled to death with that. I even decided to splurge and get a picture with the judge (who had lovely things to say about my boy). I can't wait to get it in the mail! He held his own, and managed to show well for me, even though he must have been pretty pooped by the end of the day. I could definitely tell he was tired on Sunday (but then again, so was I).
The weekend was so much fun. We had a surprise birthday party for Vicky (related, through Farley & Chyna), and we went out for dinner with some fabulous new friends. I would say that this will go down as one of the most fun shows I've done . . . especially considering how tired we were by the end of it. I met some great people, saw some gorgeous dogs, and was able to show off my baby boy. Well worth the money spent to attend.
Now we have a break for a while, as I jaunt off to China. Our next show is the local one at the end of May, and then another set of shows the following weekend. Those will be busy too, since there are two specialties and 4 all-breeds. I might need a week off just to recover ;)
Thank you to everybody that made my weekend so wonderful - There's no way I could ever name you all, but I think you know who you are. Now it's back to the grindstone. Sigh.
Picking up where I left off ...
8 years ago
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