Tuesday, June 12, 2007

It's All Come To A Head

I kind of figured this would happen - after all of the busy-ness and stress of the past few weeks (heck, over a month!) I have finally fallen ill. It's nothing terribly serious - just a cold. Enough to keep me home from work, and also to keep me from speaking (to the delight of my family LOL), but not enough to keep me down for long.

I have some commitments over the next couple of weeks, but nothing compared to the stuff I had on my plate before this weekend. I have a dinner to go to with some friends (it's put on by the company I work for, and it involves steak and lobster!), and then a birthday party to plan and execute. But those are fun things! I also have a dog show at the end of this month, and then Grace and I are taking a break for a while. I'd love to be showing her more as a puppy, but after this coming dog show, everything else is at least an 8 hour drive, and that means too much time off work.

My niece Natasha has been living with us for the past couple of weeks, so the dogs are just pooped by the end of the day. Especially Farley, who follows her around devotedly, hoping for crumbs or even theft of whatever's in her hands. Grace doesn't get as much one on one time with Tashie, as she is crated while I'm at work (a puppy and a toddler are just TOO much for my father - heck, they'd be too much for me!). So the house is busy, but fun.

Until next time, mes amis!


Visichy said...

Sorry you are sick. But at least you have fun things to look forward to.... yummy dinner, b'day party, and of course the dog show where I hope we'll have a ton of fun :D

Louisa said...

I hope you feel better soon! Hugs.