Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thankful Thursday

It's that time again . . . it seems like it wass Thursday just yesterday. Time sure flies when you're having fun (or just busy with work, although it actually was fun).

This week I am thankful for my parents. Not only did they do a pretty good job of raising me (if I do say so myself - although they appear to have forgotten to teach me humility LOL), but they are always supporting me in one way or another. Now, I've posted before about my parents and what they mean to me, so I don't intend to get all sappy and sentimental. This week I am particularly thankful that my parents love my dogs and are willing to look after them when I need help.

Just having gotten home from 8 days away, I feel happy knowing that my dogs were VERY well taken care of. Not once did I have a pang of worry, because there are very few people that can look after my dogs like I can. They were fed and loved, and they got to play outside TONS every day. When I got home, they were happy to see me (of course!), but they were happy and not seeking attention or acting neglected. It was clear to me that they had barely noticed my absence.

I realize exactly how lucky I am to have these built-in dog sitters. They save me money, but more importantly, they save me from worrying.

Thanks Mom and Dad - we'd all be lost without you!

PS - Vicky, I may do a show or two in the fall, but I consider that a new dog show year (sort of like the school year LOL)


Visichy said...

LOL... thanks for clarifying.

PS. I think your parents are pretty great too. :)

Brenda said...

It's great to have someone to not only look after your dogs but also love them too while you are away. My parents always treated our dogs like their grandkids, and it does make a difference. We know take our cocker everywhere and border our lab at our vets. I know he is 'taken care of', but we lacks the love my parents also gave. I know exactly what you mean.(and i'm quite sure your babies missed your presence while you were away :)