Thursday, April 12, 2007

So proud of ME!

Well, as anybody who has been reading this blog for at least a year knows, I am the world's greatest procrastinator. If I have an assignment or paper due, I just do NOT get it done until the last minute. I'm convinced it's in my genetic code. Anytime I have tried to write a paper sooner than the last minute, it turns out to be garbage. Just poorly written and not nearly as coherent as I typically am. Anyhow, I have my VERY LAST MBA paper due tomorrow, and it is DONE! It has been done since about 3:00pm, and if I do say so myself, it's pretty good. If anybody is interested in learning all about the US-Canada Softwood Lumber dispute, by all means let me know. I'd be more than happy to enlighten you :)

Just had to share my pride . . . it's not often I do stuff in advance, but I guess the slow time at work prior to switching to my new job came in handy this week.


Holly said...

Congrats's good to hear from you. Your Grace is just stunning. How many points does she have?

Unknown said...

She doesn't have any yet. She has only been to one show yet. Next one is end of May

Anonymous said...

You're awesome! Congrats! I bet you feel a lot more carefree right about now. You're not the only one who is proud of you!

Visichy said...

That's awesome! I'm not interested in the subject matter at all (LOL) but I hope you knock the professor's socks off :)

Louisa said...

Hurray!! Kelly, that's FANTASTIC! Hugs.

Carlson02 said...

CONGRAT!! Coming from a fellow procrastinator I totally know how much of a big thing this is!!