Thursday, June 15, 2006

Hotter than Hades!

Well, my southern friends are laughing at me, but Fort McMurray is enduring the first "heat wave" of the year. Granted, for most people, this is just barely warm, but for us it's hotter than heck! It's been close to 30 Celsius all week (around 86 F), and the dogs are melting before my eyes. Poor Quigley struggles with the heat every year, and it seems that as he ages, the toll it takes just intensifies. This week he's been sleeping and slowly following us from room to room, admonishing us with his eyes (damn humans need to stay in one room!). He is drinking plenty of water, but not doing much else. Poor guy. Even Farley is hot - he is on and off the bed all night long, panting and restless. And I sleep in the basement . . . so this weekend he's getting a new haircut, something that allows him to tolerate the heat a bit better. Billy, well, he has finally calmed down. I almost dread cooler weather, since we are all enjoying the "heat-soaked" Billy of this past week.

I'm back in school next week - this time it's for a Business Strategy course. I've been slogging my way through the textbook, but I find it tough to get into reading a textbook after working all day. So it's slow going, and I have lots to get through before Monday. There are articles he wanted us to read too, so I have to look them up, print them out, and try and get them read before Monday. Always lots to do.

Other than that, it's pretty much the same old thing. Everything on TV is re-runs, and since I managed to catch most of my shows this year, there isn't much to watch. That's a good thing, since I have about 50 books to read (okay, I might be exaggerating a week bit), so I should get some reading done this summer. After this week of school I get almost 2 months off, so I should be able to get lots of reading done during that time. I welcome book suggestions too - I'll read just about anything (just not Anna Karenina again, it was painful enough the first time around).

Guess that's it for this episode of "the life and times of Kelly"

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